ill live 4evr

songz on repeat:

this is my button darling use it if u wanna hehe, i'm prolly gonna make sm more of these. if/when i do feel free to use those too! this one was made Tuesday 28/07/20:

welcum 2 my page !!

hiyaaaa! im J and this is my page ! this is my first time using html code, and i think i did a pretty good job hehe.

i love art, my biggest art endeavour is to make my life a true masterpiece ‹3 which is my biggest work in progress to date lol. im currently wokring on an page art which is

this is my face, be warned its stunning...

***** its 4am and i havent updated this fucking website in two years imma make another, me and wurm broke up. i have fallen in love since i am still making art i am still insane and i still love my best friend so slay ! idk if ill uodate this place more imma make a more anon page so lurk i guess and youll find me idfc u prolly dont either. currently listening to i miss u by blink. i miss this shit! im still hot too so slay lemme not make this fucking page so public next time damn gonna be more anon cuz shiii what the hell. also ty for being so nice on my guest book! love yall forever !! *****

some fun facts about me:

home is wherever forever